Prices for Polish domestic rebar decreased slightly in the week leading up to Friday, September 13, amid slow trading. The weekly assessment for steel reinforcing bar (rebar), domestic, CPT Poland, which has been falling since July 19, reached 2,600-2,640 zloty ($669-679) per tonne on Friday, down by 10-20 zloty per tonne from the previous week.
A local producer offered rebar to many Polish steel traders at 2,600 zloty per tonne CPT, prompting other mills in the country to adjust their offers to similar price levels.
Buyers estimated the tradeable market level at 2,600-2,640 zloty per tonne CPT, depending on tonnages. Lower scrap prices on the Polish market also contributed to the decreasing rebar prices, with scrap prices in September contracts decreasing by 90-110 zloty per tonne.
Consumers in Poland are aware of these developments, and when local mills try to offer higher prices, they do not accept these offers. No one is buying huge volumes now due to the decreasing rebar prices. Competitive imports also put additional pressure on domestic prices, with German material offered to Poland at €610-615 ($673-679) per tonne CPT.
For deliveries close to the border with Germany, the price could drop to €605 per tonne CPT. Offers for November-delivery rebar from Ukraine were recently heard at €570 per tonne DAP border for material with 10-32 mm diameter, which nets back to €600 per tonne CPT.
Slow demand, combined with strong competition from imports, is expected to continue putting downward pressure on Polish rebar prices.