Structural Steel for Ships
Standard ASTM A131M covers structural steel-shapes, plates, bars, and rivets intended primarily for use in ship construction. Material under specification A131M is available in the following categories: Ordinary Strength: Grades A, B, D, DS, CS, and E with a specified minimum yield point of 235Mpa. Higher Strength: Grades AH, DH, and EH with specified […]
Shipping document
A shipping document is defined as a document that relates to dangerous goods that are being handled, offered for transport and transported and that contains the information required by Part 3, Documentation, relating to the goods but does not include an electronic record. What is the purpose of a shipping document? A shipping document identifies […]
What is shipping?
The international shipping industry is responsible for the operation of merchant ships which transport goods and passengers by sea. ICS and ISF represent ship-owners and ship management companies that operate merchant ships. The shipping industry is responsible for transporting 90% of the world’s trade. The safety record of shipping is the envy of shore-based transport […]